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Prepare for the (ISC)2 CCSP exam! - All six domains!

  • Designed to help you ace the CISSP CAT exam, you’ll find two comprehensive mock exams, each containing 175 questions. Each mock exam covers all 8 domains with average weights similar to the CAT exam:
  • In addition to the mock exams, you will also find two “Rapid Review Sets” designed to help you practice when you don’t have enough time to attempt a full mock exam, which takes around 6-7 hours to complete.
  • These CISSP mock exams stand apart from the competition for their meticulous breakdown of questions according to exam weightage. Each question is carefully categorized according to the correct domains specified in the CISSP exam guidelines, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate representation of the exam.

CISSP Mock Exams: Master All 8 Domains

  • There are over 18 hours of video content. There are a variety of reference documents throughout the course. Do watch for them. They include my cloud guardians book, my slides, as well as other useful documents such as the CSA guidance 4.0.
  • We will explore information security in the cloud. A lot of information security remains the same when you transition to the cloud, but a lot changes. Everything is in here from Governance, Risk management, and Compliance (GRC) to encryption and building data centers.
  • Most of this exam you should think from a customer perspective looking toward the cloud provider. However, there are points, especially in domains three and five, that the perspective of the exam question can and will change to that of a cloud provider.

CCSP Domain 1 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Cloud Platform & Infrastructure domain. This domain is 17% of the test as of August 2022. I will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • An exploration of the threats to the cloud today is in this course. Those controls need to be verified and we use common criteria or ISO 15408. It is also necessary to explore the verification of the physical security with cryptography related products such as Hardware Security Modules (HSM) and Trusted Platform Modules (TPM). That verification is done using FIPS 140-2/-3.
  • We finish this domain with an exploration of the technologies that are related to the cloud and benefit greatly from all of its offerings.

CCSP Domain 2 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Cloud Data Security domain. This domain is 20% of the test as of August 2022. I will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • We will explore the data lifecycle. It is important to know the lifecycle and the security controls that can be added to each phase. In order to really understand that it is good to also take a look at data. How to we organize data? It is good to understand the basic differences of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data.
  • I love talking about encryption and we will explore the basics of symmetric, asymmetric and hashing. It is just the basics as the primary focus here is the key. It is essential to protect the secret key, so storage locations must be explored.

CCSP Domain 3 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Cloud Platform & Infrastructure domain. This domain is 17% of the test. I will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • We will walk through risk analysis, evaluation and response. We will take a look at basic risk terms, from asset and threat to risk appetite and tolerance. It is also very good to know what quantitative and qualitative risk assessments are. You do not need to actually perform any calculations on the test at this time though.
  • We will also look at Business Continuity Management (BCM). It is an abbreviated view as we do not need to go into things like what is the difference between a hot site and a cold site. Instead the question is where does the cloud fit into BCM? Do make sure that you know your time frames e.g., MTD, RTO, RPO, etc.

CCSP Domain 4 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Cloud Application Security domain. This domain is 17% of the test as of August 2022. We will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • There are over two and a half hours of video content plus course notes based on information from my book: Cloud Guardians. We will explore the software development lifecycle (SDLC), to include the phases and the methodologies for moving through those phases.
  • We finish with discussion about maturity models and data rights management/information rights management and maturity models.

CCSP Domain 5 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Cloud Platform & Infrastructure domain. This domain is 16% of the test as of August 2022. We will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • We will explore the what it means to manage a cloud infrastructure. Beginning with building a secure datacenter. This includes looking at the different management processes of ITIL and ISO/IEC 20000.
  • We finish this domain with Business Continuity Management.

CCSP Domain 6 only

  • In this course we walk through all of the critical concepts within the Legal and Compliance domain. Legal is only 13% of the test, but if you are not properly prepared it can have a huge impact on your success. We will guide you through all of the concepts that you need to know and advise you on the level of knowledge that you need to get comfortable with.
  • There is nearly 3 hours of video content plus course notes based on information from my book: Cloud Guardians.
kind words by students

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I recently attended the (ISC)2 CISSP bootcamp with Gwen as the instructor. Gwen is an excellent instructor and is very knowledgable. She explained the key concepts of CISSP in a way that was easy to understand and was happy to answer any questions. She is an excellent instructor and I would highly recommend her as a tutor.

Thanks again Gwen.
David Taylor
I absolutely recommend Gwen’s courses! With her extensive knowledge and industry expertise, she has not only simplified complex cybersecurity concepts but also provided invaluable insights into the field. I passed both the CISSP and CCSP under her guidance.
Her courses are extremely valuable for anyone looking to earn security certifications!
Brian Jasopersad
It was a true pleasure to attend the (ISC)² - Official CISSP Boot Camp taught by Gwen Bettwy. Her knowledge of the subject, vast industry experience and passionate teaching style were essential for my studies and passing of the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) examination. She genuinely cares about her students and makes sure to stay in touch with them after the class and exam has been taken.
Zach Dabkowski

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